Sierra Leone Independence Day celebration on SLIP

The 27th April 2021 was the 60th Anniversary of Sierra Leone independence. The occasion was celebrated by members and friends of SLIP by a zoom meeting where a number of people spoke about their memories of their time in the country and their hopes for its future.  Rev Dr Sahr John Yambasu, recently elected President-Designate of the Methodist Church also attended and addressed the meeting. We were delighted to be joined by some of the Sierra Leone students who are studying in Ireland. They spoke about their experiences living in Ireland and were very impressive as they outlined how they might help in the development of their country on their return. The meeting was also addressed by two young boys from Sierra Leone who together with their families are living and attending school in Ireland. A PowerPoint presentation showed the connection between Ireland and Sierra Leone which goes back over 150 years and stressed how important it was that this link should be maintained and encouraged. Finally a video was shown of newsreel footage of the Independence Day celebrations in April 1961. The video may be accessed on Youtube by searching for “Sierra Leone Independence Day 1961”.

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