Joe Manning, a member of SLIP has informed us of the availability of a new book which may be of interest. Peadar King who has a regular documentary slot on RTE ( he did one from SL a few years) has written a book called “War, Suffering and the Struggle for Human Rights.”Should you decide to purchase it, may I ask you to please support your local bookstore. For those of you outside of Ireland and who may wish to purchase, it is also available from Book Depository with free worldwide posting.–Suffering-and-the-Struggle-for-Human-Rights/9781916099821
The following is a review from the Irish Times:A Call to Humanity in a World Full of Atrocity’, The Irish Times
“Just got this book three days ago and I have finished reading it already. Once I began reading it, it was hard to put down. … I highly recommend it. Being a critical contrarian sort of person I usually find some fault with most books I read. This book in my view is both timely and exceptionally good.” – Edward Horgan, peace activist.